When Will Scathach Be Available Again


This is an Upshot Servant Gift Icon.png

It can only exist obtained by participating in the time-express consequence FGO 2016 Summer Event. This Servant cannot be summoned.

This article is for Class-Assassin-Gold.webp Scáthach. For v★ Class-Lancer-Gold.webp, see Scáthach or for 5★ Class-Caster-Gold.webp, encounter Scáthach-Skaði.

Retainer Dialogue
Japanese Name: スカサハ
ID: 133 Cost: 12
ATK: 1,508/nine,049 HP: 1,786/11,168
Lv.100 Grail ATK: 10,956 Lv.100 Grail HP: 13,541
Lv.120 Grail ATK: 12,864 Lv.120 Grail HP: 15,915
Phonation Role player: Noto Mamiko Illustrator: Koyama Hirokazu
Attribute: Star Growth Curve: Linear
Critabsup.png Star Absorption: 98 Stargainup.png Star Generation: 25.half dozen%
Npchargeup.png NP Charge ATK: 0.71% NPGainUpDmg.png NP Charge DEF: 4%
Instapowerup.png Death Rate: 44% Alignments: Neutral・Good
Gender: Female
Traits: Female, Hominidae Retainer, Humanoid, King, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish


Hits: Quick Hits 3   | Arts Hits 3   | Buster Hits iii   | Extra Hits five
Active Skills Passive Skills Suspend Skills Noble Phantasm Ascension
Skill Upgrade Bond Level Biography Trivia Images

Active Skills

Available from the start

Embankment Crisis A+

Draws attention of all enemies to self for 1 plow.
Increases own critical damage for i plough.
Level ane 2 3 four 5 6 vii 8 9 ten
Tauntstatus.png Taunt + 100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200% 220% 240% 260% 300%
Critdmgup.png Crit Damage + thirty% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%
Cooldown 8 vii 6
Unlocks later on 1st Ascension

Primeval Rune (Ocean) A

Recovers one ally'due south HP.
Reduces their impairment taken for 1 turn.
Level 1 2 three 4 5 6 7 eight ix 10
HealEffect.png Heal + 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 3000
Defenseup.png Damage Taken - 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000
Cooldown 8 7 vi
Unlocks subsequently 3rd Ascension

Midsummer False Pas C

Invinciblepierce.png Ignores Invincibility for 1 plough.
Increases ain Quick functioning for 1 plough.
Level 1 ii 3 4 5 6 vii 8 9 ten
Quickupstatus.png Quick + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%
Cooldown 8 7 6

Passive Skills


Presence Concealment.webp

Presence Darkening Due east
Stargainup.png Increases own critical star generation charge per unit by two%.

Append Skills

Noble Phantasm

Gáe Bolg Culling
Soaring Spear of Kick-Piercing Expiry

Base Damage: x0.8
Rank Noble Phantasm Type
B+ Anti-Unit
Hits Per Hit Pct
five 6%, xiii%, twenty%, 26%, 35%
Effect Deals damage to all enemies.
NP Level 1 2 iii 4 five
Powerup.png Damage + 600% 800% 900% 950% grand%
Overcharge Issue Chance to Instant-Impale them.
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Instapowerup.png Decease Run a risk + thirty% 40% 50% 60% 70%


Particular 1 Detail ii Item three Particular 4 QP
1st RingingBellBranch.png1 QPicon.png50,000
2nd RingingBellBranch.png1 QPicon.png150,000
3rd RingingBellBranch.png1 QPicon.png500,000
fourth RingingBellBranch.png1 QPicon.png1,500,000

Skill Reinforcement

Item 1 Item 2 Item three Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Killing4 QPicon.png100,000
2nd Shining Gem of Killing10 QPicon.png200,000
3rd Magic Gem of Killingiv QPicon.png600,000
4th Magic Gem of Killing10 Yggdrasil Seedfive QPicon.png800,000
5th Secretassassin.pngfour Yggdrasil Seed10 QPicon.png2,000,000
6th Secretassassin.png10 Seashell of Reminiscenceiv QPicon.png2,500,000
seventh Seashell of Reminiscence8 Spiritroot.pngtwo QPicon.png5,000,000
8th Spiritroot.png6 Scarab of Wisdom.pngviii QPicon.pngsix,000,000
9th Crystallized lore.png1 QPicon.png10,000,000
Item i Item 2 Particular three Item four QP
1st Shining Gem of Killing4 QPicon.png100,000
2nd Shining Gem of Killing10 QPicon.png200,000
3rd Magic Gem of Killing4 QPicon.png600,000
4th Magic Gem of Killing10 Void's Refuse8 QPicon.png800,000
5th Secretassassin.png4 Void's Refuse16 QPicon.png2,000,000
6th Secretassassin.pngten Forbidden Page4 QPicon.pngtwo,500,000
7th Forbidden Page8 Permafrost Ice Crystalfive QPicon.png5,000,000
eighth Permafrost Ice Crystal15 Comet Shard.png8 QPicon.png6,000,000
9th Crystallized lore.pngane QPicon.png10,000,000


Bail Level

Bond Level i BoundLevel1.png ii BoundLevel2.png 3 BoundLevel3.png iv BoundLevel4.png v BoundLevel5.png 6 BoundLevel6.png seven BoundLevel7.png 8 BoundLevel8.png 9 BoundLevel9.png 10 BoundLevel10.png
Bond Required half-dozen,000 24,000 15,000 two,500 two,500 150,000 400,000 310,000 320,000 335,000
Total Bond six,000 thirty,000 45,000 47,500 50,000 200,000 600,000 910,000 1,230,000 1,565,000
Rewards ServantCoin133.png5 ServantCoin133.pngfive ServantCoin133.pngv ServantCoin133.png5 ServantCoin133.pngfive ServantCoin133.png5 Saintquartz.png2 ServantCoin133.pngx Saintquartz.png2 ServantCoin133.png10 Saintquartz.png2 ServantCoin133.pngten Saintquartz.pngii ServantCoin133.png20
Bond CE
Bond 10 Craft Essence 395icon.png Minimal Prudence
When equipped on Scáthach (Assassin),
Increases party's Quick performance by 15% while she is on the field.
Chaldean Visionary Flames [?]
11 BoundLevel1.png 12 BoundLevel2.png 13 BoundLevel3.png xiv BoundLevel4.png 15 BoundLevel5.png
1,090,000 1,230,000 i,360,000 1,500,000 1,640,000
2,655,000 3,885,000 5,245,000 half-dozen,745,000 8,385,000
Rewards ServantCoin133.pngxx Saintquartz.pngxxx ServantCoin133.pngxx Saintquartz.png30 ServantCoin133.png20 Saintquartz.png30 ServantCoin133.png20 Saintquartz.pngxxx ServantCoin133.png20 Saintquartz.png30


Unlock Description Translation 🛈
Default 異境・魔境「影の国」の女王であり、勇士の師であるスカサハその人―――なのだが、今回、環境に対応すると称して自分と周囲の女性サーヴァント数騎を水着姿に変えるという暴挙に出た。


  • NA

  • TL

NA Localization: The queen of the Country of Shadows, Scáthach, the mentor of heroes... that is who we are dealing with, but this time Scáthach and several others are taking the opportunity to alter into swimsuits with the excuse that information technology is advisable for the setting.
As you lot can see, information technology feels similar summer.
Scáthach says she doesn't listen doing something like this every in one case in a while.

Fan Translation: The queen of the strange territory・haunted ground called "Land of Shadows" and mentor of warriors, Scathath--- or then should be. Just, at this occasion, she carried out the reckless act of changing herself and several other female Servants around into swimsuits - all nether the guise of adapting to the environment. The issue is this summer-style that yous see. Scathath's own testimony is "it is fine to act like this sometimes".

Bond i 身長/体重:168cm・55kg

属性:中立・善  性別:女性

  • NA

  • TL

NA Localization: Height/Weight: 168cm, 55kg
Origin: Celtic Mythology
Region: Republic of ireland
Alignment: Neutral-Proficient
Gender: Female
The rune bracelet around her wrist is specialized for the ocean and water.

Fan Translation: Pinnacle/Weight: 168cm・55kg
Source: Celtic mythology
Region: Republic of ireland
Alignment: Neutral・Good
Gender: Female person
The rune bracelet around her wrist is specialized for the sea, h2o.

Bail 2 いつものスカサハと何も変わらない……と思いきや、海辺へ対応するにあたり実は普段よりもほんのりテンションが上がっている。目立った変化ではないが、よく観察すれば気付けるはずだ。
  • NA

  • TL

NA Localization: Y'all would retrieve she is no different than the usual Scáthach, but given that she is at the beach, she got a bit more excited than usual. While there is no obvious difference, i should be able to notice if they notice with care.

Fan Translation: She is no unlike from the usual Scathath... or so we thought, simply from the point she is adapting to the beach, her tension is actually sightly higher than normal. While there is no conspicuous change, one should exist able to detect this if he find with care.

Bond 3 ○ビーチクライシス:A+


  • NA

  • TL

NA Localization: Beach Crisis: A+
A skill that demonstrates how much attention she can go at the beach.
Different from Embankment Flower, the skill manages to become people to gaze at her with deep yearning. There is a danger that Scáthach will plunge the beach into chaos just by walking down to it.

Fan Translation: Embankment Crisis: A+
How much one "ends up gathering" public attention on a beach.
Unlike Beach Flower, even gazes that deviates from the domain of yearning are gathered.
There is a risk that the beach volition fall into anarchy just past Scathath walking around.

Bail four 「せっかくの海、楽しまなくてはな」


  • NA

  • TL

NA Localization: "Since we're at the embankment already, we should have fun."
This is Assassinator Scáthach'southward basic point of view. Fifty-fifty toward her Master, she believes they should have fun every bit much as they can.

Fan Translation: "This is the long-awaited sea, we should enjoy ourselves"
Such is the basic opinion of Assassin Scathath.
Fifty-fifty in regards to the Master, she seems to call up that he should have fun while he can, but..

Bond five 『蹴り穿つ死翔の槍』

ランク:B+ 種別:対人/対軍宝具

  • NA

  • TL

NA Localization: 『Gáe Bolg Alternative』
Rank: B+
NP Type: Anti-Personnel/Anti-Army
Soaring Spear of Kicked Piercing Death.
The True Proper name is the same as when she is a Lancer. It takes the life away of the target.
Nevertheless, the process is different.
This is the famous kicked Bolg, the one which makes all the warriors gaze in awe. One of the summer storms that grips a warrior's heart.

Fan Translation: Soaring Spear of Kick-Piercing Death
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Ground forces
Gáe Bolg Alternative.
The True Name is identical to when a Lancer. It robs the life of the target.
However, the process for reaching that point is different.
This is famous kicking Bolg, which made many warriors struck with adoration.
Take information technology as summer squall that shoots dead the hearts of warriors.

Actress 多くの勇士の師であるスカサハだが、マスターに対しては「師匠と弟子の関係ではない」と意識している。


  • NA

  • TL

NA Localization: Scáthach is the mentor to many warriors, but she does not consider her relationship with her Principal to be one of "instructor and educatee." That should be the same when she manifests every bit an Assassin, just she will sometimes ask to proceed runs and try to help railroad train the Master. This is probably because she is more than excited than she unremarkably is.

Fan Translation: Scathath was the mentor of many warriors but, in regards to the Master, she is aware that "our relationship is non one of mentor and pupil".
It should be the same even every bit she manifests as an Assassin, but she unconsciously ends up trying to train him while saying things such as "how about running effectually?".
Equally expected... should nosotros see this as her being more festive than usual?

April Fool うかれサーヴァント


Excited-Type Servant

She'southward a little too excited to be here in a swimsuit. Waaay more than open-minded about many things, so now's the time to become your requests in.


  • Scáthach (Assassinator) is an Effect Reward from FGO 2016 Summer Event and FGO 2016 Summer Event Re-Run.
  • She shares the exact HP values at both minimum and maximum with EMIYA (Assassin).



Source: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sc%C3%A1thach_(Assassin)

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